Hi guys! After how many months of hiding under a huge rock, I'm back on blogging! And this time, I got a DIY project for you guys! You know how much of a huge fan I am on DIY-ing stuffs and today, I decided to revamp an old denim vest that's been hiding in my closet for months.
Ever wanted that grunge denim vest in Forever 21 but it's way too expensive? Well, cheer up! You can totally own one with just a few things!
So here are some of the stuffs you need.

1. Pour the Bleach into the basin.
2. Dip half of the vest into the basin filled with bleach.
3. Hang and let it sit under the sun for about an hour or less. Wash it with water afterwards to stop the bleaching process.
(To achieve that grungy look, fill an empty spray bottle with bleach and just spray randomly on the fabric. Just make sure you do not over-do it!)
4.When it's dry, it's time for my favorite part, Accessorizing! Add some studs or whatever you want.
Here's a before and after look of the bleached denim vest. Isn't it gorgeous? ♥
I was supposed to add more details to the vest; I was planning to paint the back portion with pylox that says "BAD ASS" but I'm afraid It might look too messy. But anyways, I don't want to over-do it, so tadaaa!
(Fun Fact: I bought this vest for only 10php in a thrift shop! Cost next to nothing!)
I hope you enjoyed this project/tutorial!
If you have some comments/questions about this project, feel free to ask me.
And if you have any suggestions for my next DIY project, please let me know! ♥
P.S., Should I go and make a tutorial video on my projects, or should I stick with photos? HAHAHA.